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Trauma Informed Care

Providing Everything You Need

Trauma Therapy

As previously mentioned, I specialize in trauma therapy. Trauma therapy or trauma-informed therapy is a type of treatment provided to clients who may have experienced complex or a traumatic event(s) specialized to treat the physiological and psychological impacts caused by the traumatic situation. This also includes being a therapist of is aware of triggers and the importance of making the client feel safe as well as establishing strong rapport.

EMDR Treatment

EMDR is a type of treatment originally created by Dr. Francine Shapiro in 1989 to help individuals who’ve experience trauma or been diagnosed with PTSD to significantly reduce or eliminate negative bodily sensations and or thought patterns associated with adverse events that have occurred in one’s life time.  Now it can be used with many diverse issues associated with negative thought patterns.


The treatment works by helping the client to integrate the memory fully into the brain. This is done through bilateral stimulation (moving eyes side to side, tapping of hands, feet etc) in a carefully constructed sequence. EMDR is given in 8 phases and the length of time to complete is up

to the client‘s comfort level.

Integrated Therapeutic Techniques 

 I pride myself in offering clients integrated care to suit the needs of each individual client. As a human first, I know we all hold unique experiences and therapeutic treatment is not a one size-fits-all thing. Furthermore, I know good therapist-client rapport is significant in helping promote client well-being and treatment success. Treatment goals determined can be implemented through the various treatment techniques in a integrative style. Evidence Based Treatment modalites I use in session include;  CBT, TF-CBT, Mindfulness, EMDR, person-centered approach, psychodynamic, solution-focused, strength-based, compassion-based and culturally sensitive-based approaches.

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